Step into my project showcase! Here, I bring ideas to life through web and mobile development. Explore innovative solutions, creative builds, and hands-on projects that reflect my passion for coding and problem-solving. Inspiration starts here!
Chat App
Real-time chat app built using Flutter. The backend is powered by Firebase. Allows updating profile, adding contacts to conversation, and sending messages to contacts. State management and dependency injection has been done with a combination of Bloc pattern and Riverpod.
Moochild Kids App
A game-based learning mobile app for kids built with Flutter. Text to Speech features for spelling challenges and mathematical challenges included. Firebase is used for authentication and real-time storage. State management has been done with Provider package.
IOT Based Wildfire Detection & Alert System
A SMART IOT device with Ultrasonic, LDR, Humdity, Temperature, and Soil Mosture sensors and Buzzer and LED as actuator to detect wildfire and instantly alert the officers via and alarm and text alert. GPRS is used to transmit data and NodeMCU is used as the microprocessor. Visualization is done using ThingSpeak API and MATLAB is used for analysis.
My Portfolio Website
This website ofc 🥳.
Qwitter, a Twitter clone
A clone of Twitter. Built with Redux on the front end and Firebase on the back end. Redux Toolkit has been used for state management. Functionalities such as follow, unfollow, like, unlike, tweet, and customize themes have been implemented. Use the test account email: pw: password if you don't wish to create an account.
#Redux Toolkit
#Chakra UI
Phantom Tours
A custom website with a personalized admin dashboard for a bike dealership to manage tours and ride-outs. Powered by Vue.js and Nuxt.js on the front end and Springboot and Hibernate + MySQL on the back end. Fully authenticated with JWT and Springboot security. Vuex is used for state management and Vuetify is used for styling.
Travel Advisor
A travel app that helps you find the best hotels, restaurants, and places to visit in your area. Uses the Google Maps API to power up the maps. Google Places API provides search and autocomplete features. Travel Advisor API has been used to get the details of places.
#Google Maps
#Google Places
#Material UI